Actress Sheila Sim turns 40 with polka dot-themed party, Latest TV News - The New Paper

Actress Sheila Sim turns 40 with polka dot-themed party

Singaporean actress Sheila Sim recently had a polka dot-themed birthday party with her family and close friends. She turns 40 on June 7.

Her guests included fellow actors Desmond Tan, Elvin Ng, Romeo Tan, Chen Hanwei and Jade Seah. Friends from Hong Kong sent their birthday greetings via a video recording.

Sim penned her thoughts on turning 40 on Instagram on June 2 and 3.

“When I was planning the celebration, I wanted it to be an intimate yet meaningful gathering,” she wrote. “I wanted to be in the presence of those who have been pillars in my life and career, who have witnessed my highs and lows, and who have supported me through it all.”

She added: “Turning 40 feels incredible, knowing I have such a supportive group of people who truly care about me. Your love and acceptance for who I am and who I am not mean the world to me.”

In a separate post, the Live Your Dreams (2021) actress thanked her “dearest family in Hong Kong”.

“I’ve been terrible at keeping in touch, but you’ve never forgotten me. Your unwavering love and friendship make me feel like family, even after all these years,” Sim wrote.

“My six years in Hong Kong, 23 years ago, shaped me into who I am today, and I am forever grateful for that time and the friendship.” Before Sim debuted as an actress in 2009, she lived in Hong Kong while working as a fashion model.

In an Instagram video posted on June 3, Sim was moved to tears when she watched her daughters – three-year-old Layla and Skyla, one – expressing their love for her in a video clip. The actress is married to Mr Deon Woo, who works in banking.

“I was an emotional wreck. This was the best birthday gift I could have ever received,” wrote Sim.

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