This is the way we brush our teeth, Latest Others News - The New Paper

This is the way we brush our teeth

Between the 1980s and early-1990s, primary school pupils would squat along the longkangs to brush their teeth after recess. 

Every pupil was given a plastic tumbler and toothbrush in the nation's push for dental hygiene awareness among the young.

Almost half of the schoolchildren in the 1960s did not have a toothbrush, prompting the Open Wide, Brush Inside campaign in 1969.

The old primary school layout often had a quadrangle with little longkangs running along its perimeter.

It was common for pupils who forgot to take their beaker and tumbler to school to be punished by being made to stand in the middle of the quadrangle.  

Dental nurses supervising pupils brushing their teeth.PHOTO: ST FILE
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