Annual index ranks Singapore government as world's best, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

Annual index ranks Singapore government as world's best

The Chandler Good Government Index for 2024 has ranked Singapore as the best out of 113 governments.

Singapore also came out tops in last year's index – the third edition of the report by international non-profit organisation Chandler Institute of Governance – after occupying the third spot in 2022.

The Republic is the only Asian country to dominate the top 10 spots on the list. South Korea ranked 20th and Japan, 22nd.

Singapore scored the highest in leadership and foresight with an index score of 0.86. Denmark, which is ranked second overall, scored 0.74 in leadership and foresight.

The two areas in which Singapore scored very well were marketplace attractiveness (0.95) and financial stewardship (0.92) – the best scores among the top 10 countries. Norway, which has the same score for financial stewardship, recorded only 0.73 for marketplace attractiveness. 

Singapore's third-best strength lies in helping people rise (0.89).

Among the top 10 countries on the index, Singapore is weakest in global influence and reputation, scoring only 0.72.