‘My husband checked for hidden cameras in our home toilet’: Voyeur’s victim still scarred , Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

‘My husband checked for hidden cameras in our home toilet’: Voyeur’s victim still scarred

This article is more than 12 months old

Years have passed since her former friend Darren Yeo Wei Hong, 34, recorded videos of her showering without her consent.

But time has done little to placate her, and she has trouble forgiving him for what he did.

The 33-year-old woman cannot be named due to a gag order to protect her identity.

She was speaking to The Straits Times on Thursday at the State Courts shortly after Yeo was jailed for a year over multiple counts of insulting a woman’s modesty, among other offences.

The woman was so traumatised by the incident that she felt scared even in her own home.

She said: “‘I felt so unsafe at home that my husband checked for hidden cameras in our toilet.”

On almost 100 occasions between 2013 and 2015, Yeo used a hidden camera disguised as a smoke detector inside a toilet to film at least five women, including his own friends.

There is a gag order on where the offences were committed to protect the victims’ identities.

The 33-year-old woman was one of several victims who turned up in court on Thursday to witness proceedings.

She still remembers how, in 2019, she found out what Yeo had done to her.

She said: “I was at work when I received a call from the police. I didn’t expect something like this to happen to me. I had to go down to the police station to identify my own naked images.”

The woman said she did not think Yeo was remorseful, as he was smiling in the dock, as reported by ST on Thursday.

She added: “He still hasn’t asked me for forgiveness. He could have done so, as he has my number and could contact me any time.”

Another victim at the court, who is also 33, said that she was Yeo’s former schoolmate.

She was also shocked when the police contacted her in 2019 at work and felt betrayed, as she had known Yeo for a very long time.

The second victim said: “My mind went blank, and I didn’t feel like going back to work after that. I feel angry every time I think about what he had done.

“It was extremely perverse, as he shared videos with people I know. And these people didn’t even inform the police about it. I’m worried as to where the videos will end up.”

She added: “I have forgiven him, but I will never forget. I’m glad he’s been sent to jail.”

COURT & CRIMEVoyeurismsexual harassment