Water supply in Farrer Park disrupted due to pipe leak , Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

Water supply in Farrer Park disrupted due to pipe leak

Water supply to more than 100 Housing Board units in the Farrer Park area was disrupted for nearly five hours on the morning of Sept 1, after a pipe near 65 Tessensohn Road leaked.

The leak also damaged Tessensohn Road, which has been closed to traffic towards Rangoon and Balestier roads, said national water agency PUB.

In a Facebook post on Sept 1, PUB said it was alerted to the pipe leak near 65 Tessensohn Road at 4.30am.

Service crew were immediately deployed to isolate the leak and water supply to affected blocks was restored at 9.15am, it said.

In the interim, water wagons were deployed to Block 47 Owen Road, Block 49 Dorset Road and Block 9 Gloucester Road to provide temporary water supply to affected residents.

Pipe repairs are ongoing, said the agency.

PUB added that it is working with the Land Transport Authority to assess the road’s condition.

Mr Alvin Tan, MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC and grassroots adviser to the Moulmein-Cairnhill (Moca) constituency, said in a Facebook post that the Moca team was actively involved in managing the emergency.

“They coordinated with the PUB team, alerting them to specific blocks where water supply was affected, going door to door to check in on seniors who may need help, and helping residents carry water buckets up to their flats.”

The Tanjong Pagar Town Council team was also on the ground, opening common taps in the void deck to “avail access to the reserve water tanks”, he added.

In a video posted by Mr Tan, he thanked young resident Sanjay, who noticed the disruption at around 4am and spread the word in the community.

He wrote: “Our community is active. During crises like Covid-19 and in mini incidents like this, they are active on the ground, not just facilitating, but actively solving issues for our residents. I would not trivialise their efforts.”

PUB is investigating the cause of the leak.

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