32 arrested for suspected illegal employment offences, Latest Singapore News - The New Paper

32 arrested for suspected illegal employment offences

The authorities on Sept 23 arrested 32 people suspected of being involved in illegal employment-related offences, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said on Sept 27.

Among those arrested is a 33-year-old man suspected to be part of a syndicate that operated 28 shell public entertainment outlets, which allegedly hired work permit holders as performers when the companies were not in operation.

The remaining 16 men and 15 women were arrested for their alleged involvement in making false declarations in work pass applications when the companies did not require their employment, the ministry added.

The suspects were arrested during islandwide enforcement operations conducted by MOM and the police at 27 locations.

Investigations against the suspects are ongoing.

The ministry also said on Sept 27 that it will review the Work Permit (Performing Artiste) scheme, which is intended for licensed public entertainment outlets to hire performers on a short-term basis.

This comes amid a growing trend of abuse of the scheme, it added.

Employers in Singapore can only hire foreign workers with valid work passes. Both employers and applicants are required to make accurate, complete and truthful declarations to the Controller of Work Passes.

Foreigners found to have undertaken employment in Singapore without a valid work pass may be fined up to $20,000, jailed up to two years, or both. If convicted, they may also be barred from working in Singapore.

Similarly, those convicted of making false declarations in work pass applications may get a fine of up to $20,000, a jail term of up to two years, or both.

Additionally, errant employers will have their work pass privileges suspended, and the work pass applicant may also be prosecuted and barred from working in Singapore.

Members of the public who are aware of illegal employment activities can report the matter to MOM at 64385122 or mom_fmmd@mom.gov.sg. All information provided will be kept strictly confidential.

Ministry of ManpowercrimeEmployment