FAS gen-sec Yazeen Buhari quits top post, Latest Singapore Football News - The New Paper
Singapore Football

FAS gen-sec Yazeen Buhari quits top post

The Football Association of Singapore (FAS) announced on July 5 that Yazeen Buhari will step down from his role as general secretary on Sept 30 after six years at the helm.

The FAS has begun the search for a successor, who will be announced in due course.

The general secretary is the top official at the FAS’ secretariat and Yazeen was the first major hire by the council – led by former president, the late Lim Kia Tong – elected in April 2017.

Yazeen said: “It has been a privilege to helm this organisation, given the magnitude and importance that this role holds. But after being away from the family for seven years, I have made the difficult decision to leave the organisation.

“I believe it’s also the right time for the administration to undergo a leadership change. There are many initiatives that have started to take shape in the past two years, and with the support shown by all stakeholders, I am confident these plans will go on to reach their desired outcomes.”

He also expressed his gratitude to current and previous council members, clubs, government partners, fans, volunteers, players and colleagues for their support.

Yazeen, a former referee, had held various posts in sports.

He was formerly Singapore Athletics’ general manager, an assistant director at Sport Singapore and FAS’ head of development and planning, before joining the Asian Football Confederation to lead its planning and strategy department.

In August 2017, he returned to the FAS as its deputy general secretary before taking on his current position in September 2018 after his predecessor Winston Lee resigned.

The FAS said in a press statement that Yazeen played a pivotal role in guiding the organisation in launching several developments in Singapore football, including the 2018 rebrand of the Singapore Premier League, the Unleash the Roar! national project in 2021 and the implementation of the league’s Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system.

FAS president Bernard Tan said: “On behalf of the FAS Exco and Council, I would like to state our utmost gratitude for the work Yazeen has put in during his time as the general secretary. He has been a dedicated leader within the organisation and his departure is a great loss to Singapore football.

“However, we respect his desire to prioritise his family after seven years with the FAS, and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.”