Yu Tian and Li Ya-ping seek guardianship of grandkids, Latest Music News - The New Paper

Yu Tian and Li Ya-ping seek guardianship of grandkids

Taiwanese singer Yu Tian and his wife, singer Li Ya-ping, are seeking guardianship of their two grandchildren after the detention of their son-in-law Gary Chen.

Chen is the husband of Ms Yu Yuan-chi, the second daughter of Yu, 76, and Li, 74.

Ms Yu, who died of cancer at the age of 39 in August 2022, had a daughter, six, and son, four, with Chen.

Chen, who is four years younger than Ms Yu, is in detention following his arrest in late April for suspected involvement in a scam syndicate. He was handed charges by the New Taipei District Prosecutors Office on June 24, including on fraud and money laundering.

Yu, who rose to prominence with the song Under The Banyan Tree (1977), appeared at Shilin District Court in Taipei with his wife on June 24 morning.

They told Taiwanese media after a mediation session at the court that they had just spoken with Chen via video conference.

“We hope to raise the two children at our home and Gary is still giving it some consideration,” Yu said. “We have not reached a resolution today and there may be another round of mediation.”

Li, who is known for her rousing rendition of the song Wake Up, Lei Meng Na (1971), said she and Yu are trying to help Chen as they know it is expensive to raise the children.

“Maybe he was confused this time and resorted to other means,” Li said, likely referring to Chen’s alleged fraud. “We will try to help him and hope he does not need to worry about the children.”

Yu said he and his wife did not know how much money their daughter had left after her death, but added that Chen did not ask them for money for the children’s upbringing.They were also not aware whether Chen has a new partner, as reported by the media.

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Posted by 壹蘋新聞網 on Sunday, June 23, 2024
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