Lee Lung Kei, 73, vows to wed fiancee, 36, after her 25-month jail term, Latest TV News - The New Paper

Lee Lung Kei, 73, vows to wed fiancee, 36, after her 25-month jail term

HONG KONG – Hong Kong actor Lee Lung Kei has vowed to stand by his fiancee Chris Wong after she was sentenced to 25 months in jail by Shatin Magistrates’ Court on June 19.

Wong, whose real name is Wang Qingxia, was found guilty of five charges – including two counts of breaching her conditions of stay, one of using fake documents, another of making false statements to obtain an entry permit and one of making a false declaration to immigration officers.

In an interview with Hong Kong media, Lee said that the length of Wong’s jail term was longer than he expected.

The former TVB star tearfully added that he will continue to honour his commitment to marry Wong, 36, upon her release from prison.

“I have told her through my lawyer that I will definitely wait for her,” the 73-year-old said.

During the proceedings, Wong admitted to forging three graduation certificates from an American aviation academy while attempting to apply for an immigration scheme and seek employment in Hong Kong.

The Chinese national said she had not thought through things thoroughly when using the counterfeit documents in her application in 2019.

According to Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, the court was informed that Wong’s application was not successful as she had failed to provide supporting documents for her supposed qualifications.

Lee was said to be in tears during the hearing, exclaiming loudly on three occasions.

Asked by reporters outside the courtroom if he had any concerns about Wong’s family, Lee replied: “We’ll see when the time comes. I need to think things through first.”

As for the possibility of an appeal, the actor said he will leave the matter to his lawyer.

Lee and Wong’s relationship first came to light in 2020 when Hong Kong media reported that Wong, who was carrying Lee’s child, suffered a miscarriage.

Despite the significant age difference, the couple has been in a stable relationship for the past years due to shared interests. – THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK

李龍基爆喊指刑期不是預期內 強調必兌現迎娶未婚妻承諾

李龍基爆喊指刑期不是預期內 強調必兌現迎娶未婚妻承諾 資深藝人 李龍基 嘅未婚妻36歲 王青霞 今日(19號)到沙田裁判法院提訊,早前被控「違反逗留條件」、「為取得入境證而作出虛假陳述」 、「使用虛假文書」、「管有虛假文書」、「向根據或為執行入境條例第II部而合法行事的入境事務主任作出虛假申述」,以及「在香港入境時對其施加的逗留期限,留在香港接受僱傭工作」等七宗罪。 Chris庭上承認其中嘅「違反逗留條件」、「使用虛假文書」、「管有虛假文書」、「向根據或為執行入境條例第II部而合法行事的入境事務主任作出虛假申述」、「在香港入境時對其施加的逗留期限,留在香港接受僱傭工作」等五項罪名,而控方在庭上就表示不提證供起訴「為取得入境證而作出虛假陳述」及「管有虛假文書」兩罪,獲裁判官下令撤銷,並宣布五項罪名罪成合共判刑25個月。 基哥今日由大律師兼好友盧敏儀陪同聽審,聽取判決後,基哥托律師向未婚妻傳話,之後神情落寞步出法院,與早上抵達法院時神情有天壤之別。基哥沿途未有停步受訪,當問到刑期是否佢預期之內時,基哥就突然情緒失控指並非預期之內,又耍手透露唔會上訴。佢仲表示會繼續到廟宇參拜為未婚妻求平安。 情深嘅基哥當被問到是否會依承諾迎娶Chris,佢就果斷咁話「一定會,一定會。」仲托律師向未婚妻傳話叫對方唔使擔心,出嚟一定結婚。最後基哥以唔再受訪為由,急急步入法院旁商場,在傳媒嘅祝福聲下離開。 #李龍基 #王青霞 #違反逗留條件 #使用虛假文書 #管有虛假文書 #向入境事務主任作出虛假申述 #於香港接受僱傭工作 #認罪 #25個月

Posted by TVB 娛樂新聞台 TVB Entertainment News on Tuesday, June 18, 2024